D5111: Provide demo/preview for checkable menu items and colour scheme comparison

René J.V. Bertin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Mar 20 11:46:53 UTC 2017

rjvbb created this revision.
Restricted Application added a project: Plasma.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: plasma-devel.

  This is a continuation/transfer of https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/128109/ (which still has a few screenshots)
  There currently is no "official" cheap way to preview how checked menu items are rendered as a function of installed widget style, nor an easy/cheap way to compare the look of a given widget style under different colour schemes. I have been annoyed by the fact one has to (re)launch often heavy applications to assess the impact of changes to these look-and-feel aspects.
  This patch explores a straightforward way of adding that missing functionality via the most exhaustive look-and-feel preview utility I am aware of that is cheap in resource requirements: Oxygen's demo app.
  This demo already has menus in the MDI preview. The patch makes the layout items checkable and puts them in a QActionGroup so their mutually exclusive nature is taken into account. It also adds a "right to left" non-exclusive checkable item which is linked to the "Left to Right" checkbox in the demo frame.
  For colour scheme exploration I adapted a thin wrapper around KColorSchemeManager written originally by Alexander Zhigalin for KDevelop; it is used to add a button with drop-down menu to the page widget's button box which makes it available in all views.

  The menu additions have been checked on Linux and Mac OS X with Qt 5.6.0 - 5.8.0 and frameworks 5.22.0 - 5.32.0; the colour scheme addition with Qt 5.8.0 and frameworks 5.32.0 .
  I looked for an appropriate way to uncheck the Tile/Cascade/Tabbed menu items (= when the user moves or resizes one of the MDI windows) but it seems those events are not available through signals and would thus require subclassing MdiSubWindow .
  It would make sense IMHO to separate this demo from Oxygen. It has nothing Oxygen-specific and could be provided as a standalone theme explorer or bundled with another package that doesn't have too strong connotations of being "Plasma-exclusive" (Qt has widget style and palette support on most if not all platforms it runs on).

  R113 Oxygen Theme



To: rjvbb, hpereiradacosta, jriddell, anthonyfieroni, zhigalin
Cc: kde-mac, plasma-devel, #frameworks, progwolff, lesliezhai, ali-mohamed, jensreuterberg, abetts, sebas, apol
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