[KDE/Mac] Compile & App Bundle Creation

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at absint.com
Tue Jun 14 19:54:41 UTC 2016


> Hi Christoph,
> I see, you’re using Homebrew.
> Would be nice to know whether you can achieve the same using MacPorts as a
> basis.
Actually I have no idea, you could try and if it does, you can just add some
additional way there to the howto for people prefering to use the MacPorts
variant for that base tools (I think for the remaining process it makes no difference).

> Also I meant to ask you which OSX versions you’ve tested.
Only "El Capitan", and I have no completely "clean" mac, that means I have for sure some
remains of other macports/homebrew/.... experiments around that might make things work
that will not work on a "clean" mac.


> Greets,
> Marko
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----------------------------- Dr.-Ing. Christoph Cullmann ---------
AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH      Email: cullmann at AbsInt.com
Science Park 1                         Tel:   +49-681-38360-22
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