[KDE/Mac] new year's resolution: opening files "the Mac way" (TM)

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Sat Jan 2 20:12:34 UTC 2016

On Saturday January 02 2016 20:24:25 Christoph Cullmann wrote:


Something else: is the KateApp supposed to be subclassable? In that case you may want to put the FileOpen event back into the queue rather than eating it (i.e. return false instead of true from the event filter), so that the descendant class can receive it too.

If events work that way of course, I've never tried.

> That small overhead doesn't hurt and we don't have yet an other code path
> that is only compiled on mac os.

Agreed, not in a text editor, no.

> I personally wouldn't want to stick with stuff that is not actively
> developed and fixed anymore

Heh, if it ain't broke, don't look for ways to fix it ... at least not beyond what's reasonable ;)
The big advantage of using stuff like this (and that works well enough to get the job done) is that you actually get around to getting jobs done rather than spending a significant amount of time applying updates (or worse, building them).
I've already decided that I'm not going to upgrade my ports in sync with the monthly release cycle but instead wait until there's a sufficiently long list of fixes, new features etc. to warrant the overhead.

Don't worry about me submitting patches for any of this in KDE4. I may decide to publish some of the ones for KDELibs via RRs but that's about it.


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