[KDE/Mac] KF5 / OSX / KIO

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 18:33:38 UTC 2016

On Tuesday February 02 2016 18:44:33 Filipe Azevedo wrote:

Hello Filipe,

Couple questions:

- Does the kde platform theme actually do something for you, supposing you are using an unpatched frameworkintegration framework (= not with the OS X patches I submitted for review)?
- Does your Qt5 installation have any patches for use with KF5, in particular to QStandardPaths?
- Do you know where HB installs the shared resources, which include icons themes but also KF5 plugins, DBus definitions etc?
- Does HB build kate as an app bundle that is supposed to be standalone or as one that is supposed to get all those shared resources from a central "system" location?

David probably sent you to me because I have been working to allow a KF5 installation in MacPorts that follows the same principles as would be used on Linux, for instance by the Neon project that is apparently going to be rekindled. Thus, all those shared resources go into /opt/local/share where the Freedesktop/XDG specs say they should go and where they will be found for instance by DBus.
That means that Qt has to be patched (QStandardPaths), because otherwise code using QStandardPaths to find specific resources will look for them in the wrong places (= in Apple-specific locations like "Application Support"). I've been trying to this in such a way that regular ("pure") Qt applications will still use those Apple-specific locations just like they would when installed from another source and thus I also have to patch KF5 to (in other words, my QStandardPaths patch adds an XDG-compliant mode which needs to be activated by software that wants to use it).

I never had issues with KIO so I'm not really sure how KIO plugins are loaded. They could be true plugins or if they are helper applications that are launched one way or another and with the data exchange handled by DBus. Either way they must be in an expected location where all concerned parties can find them. I recall that Christoph Cullman (one of the Kate devs) had issues with that initially when figuring out how to make a standalone app bundle. I think he isn't really interested in any other kind of build but he might be able to give you more specific answers. I also have seen several projects (like KDevelop) dropping DBus for certain features, using direct launching instead. That undoubtedly has to do with issues with DBus not finding the required definition files.

I hope this helps a bit. I'm sorry I cannot be much more specific; I've decided to avoid HB myself when I saw how it apparently installs each package in its own "cellar" and then puts symlinks all over /usr/local . It surprises me though that someone created a package for kate that turns out to be crippled ...


>Hi Rene,
>I come to you by David Faure.
>I have some troubles making KIO working on OSX.
>I'm using homebrew kf5 packages.
>I end up trying:
>/Applications/KDE/kate.app/Contents/MacOS/kate -platformtheme kde
>Do starts Kate with kde integration, with kde files dialog, but no kio
>plugin available.
>I can't even browse local files.
>If you have ideas... :)
>Cheers, Filipe,

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