[KDE/Mac] KF5 on OSX

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Tue Sep 15 20:32:16 UTC 2015

I can't say for OS X, but can fill in a bit on linux.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 2:22 PM, Marko Käning <mk-lists at mailbox.org> wrote:
> Hi René, Ian, Kurt,
> On 15 Sep 2015, at 21:36 , René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can I be lazy and ask what Qt "flavour" and esp. what QSP settings you have used ... and why you think kate fails to run?
>  - It is MacPorts’ bog-standard qt5-mac.
>  - phonon I installed with a patch of yours.
>  - I don’t think kate failed. It simply did. ;-)
>>>> If anyone is seriously interested in testing this, I am willing to invest an
>>>> hour within the next few days and upload my work for inspection.
>> You could always put your work ports directory/tree on github, like my
>> https://github.com/RJVB/macstrop/tree/master/aqua/qt5-kde-devel
> Well, I still hope that Kurt has all the Portfiles already created, or some scripts
> to auto-generate them. (My own Portfile-generating bash-scripts are anything but nice…)
> But, okay, I have pushed everything in here just now:
>         http://commits.kde.org/macports-kde/2c8d3f2fd93d3f5a002645f54956265c3398ca58
> on the branch KF5 starting here:
>         https://quickgit.kde.org/?p=macports-kde.git&a=commit&h=9e1f7c7b6d41fbd8e135252aadd48ed5b0f807fc
> If you want to create all KF5 portfiles, all adjustments are to be made in the new kf5
> PortGroup, followed by running the scripts
>  - once update-setup.sh
>  - then followed by install.sh or tier-install.sh
> located in in contrib/scripts/KF5/.
> Perhaps you like to play with this? I hope 5.13 will build for you. I usually have
> trouble at the end of tier 3. I then build tier 4 to get kjs and other missing stuff
> and then retry tier 3 followed by a second run for tier 4 to build the residual stuff.
> I have not committed the changes made for version 5.14, as it still fails building.
> Good luck with this!!!
>> BTW, how feasible is it to install KF5 "next to" a working KDE4 install? I know that KDE4 apps continue to work (more or less) normally on a KF5 desktop, but does that mean that all KF5 things install nicely alongside the KDE4 stuff? If not, how feasible is it to build KF5 to install the conflicting parts into its own prefix (but still share version-independent resources with KDE4 and GTk)?

Libraries are all supposed to be coinstallable, except not workspace
libraries. Applications aren't supposed to be coinstallable. For
example you're not supposed to be able to install both Qt4/kdelibs4
based Kompare and Qt5/KF5 based Kompare on the same system. You can
however install the Qt4/kdelibs4 based kalzium next to a Qt5/KF5 based
kanagram or whatnot.

As for kdeedu, libkdeedu is replaced by libkeduvocdocument. libkdeedu
was a git repo that held libkeduvocdocument and a few other libraries
that are no longer used so didn't get ported to Qt5/KF5. the data
files from libkdeedu became kdeedu-data.

Hope that helps.

> OMG, René, I have not tried to work with KDE4 and KF5 in parallel, so I can’t say.
> Needs testing!
>> That'd really be a condition for me to start working on KF5; I won't give up my KDE4 applications until they all have usable replacements, and I don't really feel like setting up a separate MacPorts tree (or full-fledged VM) either …
> Yeah…
> Greets,
> Marko
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