[KDE/Mac] kbuildsycoca5/kded5 weirdness on OSX

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Thu Jan 29 22:16:13 UTC 2015

Hi Jeremy,

On 29 Jan 2015, at 22:56 , Jeremy Whiting <jpwhiting at kde.org> wrote:

> I see kbuildsycoca5 takes  seconds on linux. Minutes on OS X, similar output on the terminal on both though. A good profiler would help to see what it's doing. (or I can look at the code itself and add some debug information). Does anyone on this list know of a good profiler for osx?

as I wrote, both kbuildsycoca5/kded5 seem to waste time walking the file system. That can be seen in kded5’s console output! kded5 churns ages through Xcode.app’s directory tree - to find what?

And, that kbuildsycoca5 takes this long came in only recently... Before I also had something like 3-5 s or so, I’d say. (Perhaps in former times it didn’t go through the /Applications folder on OSX at all?!?)

> In answer to your other thread about kmahjongg, running it on linux/kf5 it's pretty snappy to save a game on linux, I bet it's because I already have kded5 and such running though.

Yes, I think so. Also I need to point out that I do NOT have baloo installed here on my system, since I wanted to avoid running a second indexer parallel to OSX’ spotlight.

And - of course - my CI-specific setup might be a bit of a special case as well...

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