[KDE/Mac] Some issues found while testing branch 'KDE4.13'

Marko Käning mk-lists at email.de
Sun Oct 5 10:21:42 UTC 2014

Hi Ian,

On 05 Oct 2014, at 04:50 , Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:
> It is due to git revision a01e4ee686f369e4e7d1e7e3a99d68a9b191fe67 on
> Mon Nov 11 18:12:11 2013.  This added a reset() to KXmlGuiWindow
> (kdelibs/kdeui/xmlgui/kxmlguiwindow.cpp), to prevent a crash in the main
> window's code, but it clobbers all children of the main window, including
> KGoldrunner's message box.

oh. Wow, how did you spot that?

> The change went in just before the release of KDE 4.12...  When I comment out
> the change and re-install kdelibs, KGoldrunner's message box works OK… :-)

I see.

> Anyway, the kdelibs change will have to take precedence over KGoldrunner,
> because that change prevents a crash in the main window.

Hmm, I see. But well, this affects not only KGoldrunner...

> Fixing KGoldrunner will be tricky…  ATM it does a lot of checking that the required
> data files are present (games and levels, mainly) and all of that is done BEFORE
> creating the GUI, so any error messages will get clobbered.  I'll have to resequence
> some of the KGoldrunner code --- or just omit the checks and messages… :-(

Please do NOT omit any checks or messages!
I’ve seen on KF5 what happens if KDE apps do not properly check the
state of their environment.

> Anyway, I'll work out a fix and commit it to KDE 4.14 ASAP.  Thanks for alerting
> me to this problem, Marko.

You’re welcome.

I am happy that you spotted the cause for this so quickly.


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