[KDE/Mac] Fixes for Filelight utility and LSkat game
Ian Wadham
iandw.au at gmail.com
Thu May 15 04:43:06 UTC 2014
Hi Nicolas,
On 14/05/2014, at 1:49 AM, Nicolas Pavillon wrote:
>> I have found https://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/kde and I think I can
>> download patches from there.
> You can indeed download the Macports tree from there, but you should also have
> a local copy of all of it in your Macports installation.
Oh, OK. Found it … :-)
>> I would like to retry the kdesrc-build route, but applying MacPorts patches to my local
>> git repositories of KDE source and building and installing into non-MacPorts directories.
>> Does the above trac repository have all the patches I may need? If so, where can I find the
>> "post-configure hack" you mention above? And indeed, what is a "post-configure hack”?
> The fact that the repository is from a present installation also means that there may be
> patches that you will miss to install 4.13.
> Marko pointed out the place describing this post-configure hack. It means that you need
> to configure kde4-runtime, then manually modify the file, and then build.
I am not exactly sure what "post-configure" means or when it is in the MacPorts workflow.
In the kdesrc-build scripts, CMake runs from start to finish, including the install. Later on,
you can edit source-code and just re-run "make". This is my normal workflow for
developing or fixing games, Filelight or LSkat.
IMO, if MacPorts is having to patch the output from CMake (e.g. the link.txt file), it means
that there is a problem in the CMakeLists.txt file or the KDE macros it uses. So I have
filed a bug report at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=334702 - I see there is a
similar situation with building Konqueror in kde4-baseapps. Maybe there are other
cases. So far I have had no response to the bug report.
>> And are there perhaps some global KDE patches somewhere (e.g. for CMake files,
>> build parameters, package-find paths, library-load paths, etc.)?
> I assume that it may be quite a hassle to manually reproduce the Macports environment.
> In addition to the definitions in each Portfiles, all KDE ports depend on a portgroup, kde4,
> which defines a whole bunch of constants. This portgroup then also depends on two
> other portgroup, qt4 and cmake, which also define a lot of environment variables and configuration
> preferences.
Understood. I am not trying to reproduce the MacPorts environment in its entirety.
I am just trying to get kdesrc-build to work. It is a valuable developers' tool in the
Linux environment and could perhaps be useful occasionally for MacPorts developers.
I will start a new thread about what I am trying to achieve and why.
Thanks, Nicolas.
Cheers, Ian W.
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