[KDE/Mac] crashing kactivitymanagerd

Nicolas Pavillon nicos at macports.org
Wed Jul 2 14:16:50 UTC 2014


On Jul2, 2014, at 13:31, Ian Wadham <iandw.au at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Nicolas,
> On 01/07/2014, at 12:40 AM, Nicolas Pavillon wrote:
>> kactivitymanagerd is part of kactivities, which was introduced in KDE 4.12 if I recall correctly. It a dependency of at least kde4-runtime, and is announced as required in the CMakeLists file. I don’t think I ever encountered any crash from it, or saw any ticket at Macports about that.
> I am totally mystified by this port.  Can you tell me exactly where
> in KDE source code to find kactivities and kactivitymanagerd?  And
> where (in what directory) is the CMakeLists.txt you refer to above.

Well, I am not sure to understand your question completely, as kactivities is now a package on its own, distributed through the standard mirrors. The CMakelists file which refers to it in kde4-runtime is in plasma/declarativeimports/plasmaextracomponents, with the lines

find_package(KActivities QUIET CONFIG)
set_package_properties(KActivities PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "Library and infrastructure for using Activities from applications"
                       URL "https://projects.kde.org/kactivities"
                       TYPE REQUIRED
                       PURPOSE "Provides the ability to access activities from QML."

You can also look at the output of the configuration of kde4-runtime, where kactivties is announced as a required package. 

> My MacPorts KDE 4.12.5 has a port kactivities @4.12.5_0 (active),
> but it is a library with no app.  So how did Marko get it as an app?

It seems that there are several tests within kactivities, in order to determine if the compiler is fully c++0x compliant. The application is built only if the compiler is considered suitable (which was not for a long time on my system, even though clang is supposed to be). I assume that your configuration differs from the one of Marko or mine. You should see some complaints about your compiler in the configure output of kactivities in this case.



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