[KDE/Mac] Binary fink repository

Mike Arthur mike at mikearthur.co.uk
Mon Jun 21 14:42:44 CEST 2010

On 6 Jun 2010, at 16:48, Carlos Russo wrote:

> Hello!
> I'm often annoyed with the time that it takes to build KDE every time there is a new KDE version.
> It would be nice if there was a repository with precompiled binaries, akin to what happens in the linux world...
> I know that you can add a binary repository to fink, so the million dollar question is:
> Has anybody already set up a fink repository for binaries?

I don't think so.

> If not, is there someone that is a bit more knowledgeable and that knows how to do this? 
> If KDE.org or another organization would be willing to provide the space in a server, I could volunteer in uploading binaries for 10.6  (provided I'm given instructions on how to compile and upload them) :-)

Great idea. I think it's worth talking to the Fink maintainers for this, presumably they host some of the binaries? Otherwise, the KDE sysadmin team might be able to help.

> This would definitely lower the barrier for the adoption of KDE in the OSX world.

In some ways, I'm not sure we want this just yet. KDE on Mac is still _very_ rough round the edges and I'm not sure it's ready for widespread release yet.

Thanks for the thoughts though!

Mike Arthur

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