[KDE/Mac] Kdelibs build error - Building CXX object nepomuk/CMakeFiles/nepomuk.dir/core/variant.o

Sjors Gielen mailinglist at dazjorz.com
Fri Aug 27 18:52:22 CEST 2010

Op 27 aug 2010, om 17:43 heeft Emanuel Schütze het volgende geschreven:

> Hi list,
> I get an error while building kdelibs from 
> tags/kdepim/enterprise5.0.20100827.1168749/
> on Mac OS X via macports.


It looks like you're missing Soprano. Please report to the MacPorts maintainers, not the KDE-on-Mac list. (Even though there are some MacPorts maintainers on here, and they might be able to help further.)

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