[KDE/Mac] status of kde in macports (qt3support)

brad brad at ithryn.net
Tue Oct 13 14:02:11 CEST 2009

On Oct 13, 2009, at 1:39 AM, Jeremy Lainé wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
>>> Am i the only one seeing this? is there a work around?
>> Are you on Snow Leopard by any chance?
>> If so it'll compile everything in 64-bit mode and disable  
>> Qt3Support in
>> MacPorts I'm pretty sure.
> The situation is not quite as dire as that. I have added a patch I  
> picked up from Qt's git
> repo to macports so that Qt3Support compiles when using cocoa:
> http://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/aqua/qt4-mac/files/patch-qt3support-for-cocoa.diff
ahh, i did notice that it now magically compiles from macports; thank  
you and the rest of mac-kde4 people for supplying the magic.

> Now most of KDE compiles for me on Snow Leopard using the default  
> macports options. It
> doesn't actually work due to kdeinit4 being borked, but that's a  
> different topic.
i noticed this too, although i wasn't sure weather the problem lied in  
dbus or kdeinit4 ... one step at a time, i suppose. (a friend of mine  
used to say that progress was measured by a change in error condition).

  - b

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