[KDE/Mac] kde4 on Tiger using macports

Jonas Bähr jonas.baehr at web.de
Wed Jan 7 21:13:51 CET 2009


Am 27.12.2008 um 06:05 schrieb O:

> On Fri, Dec 26, 2008 at 11:33 PM, Jonathan Stickel  
> <jjstickel at vcn.com> wrote:
>> On 12/26/08 kde-mac-request at kde.org wrote:
>>> From: Jonas B?hr <jonas.baehr at web.de>
>>> Subject: Re: [KDE/Mac] kde4 on Tiger using macports
>>> Hi,
>>> Am 23.12.2008 um 17:58 schrieb Jonathan Stickel:
>>>>> I have (finally) built and installed kdebase4 using mapcorts on  
>>>>> Tiger
>>>>> (10.4.11).  However, nothing runs correctly (if at all).  kwrite  
>>>>> is
>>>>> very
>>>>> slow and ugly.  More importantly to me, dolphin will not start  
>>>>> at all.
>>>>> I try to start it two ways, and I get
>>>>> $ open -a dolphin
>>>>> 2008-12-23 09:39:58.684 open[24306] Couldn't launch application:
>>>>> (null)
>>>>> $ /Applications/KDE4/dolphin.app/Contents/MacOS/dolphin
>>>>> (...prompt returns with no message, and then...)
>>>>> <unknown program name>(14342)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find  
>>>>> the
>>>>> D-Bus session server
>>>>> Not much for me to go with here.  I do have dbus-daemon running.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>> I'm also fighting with dbus problems... I did not have simipar
>>> problems with kdelibs-4.0.0
>>> First, try to build dbus with the "no_x11" variant. (does anyone  
>>> know
>>> *why* x11 is the default?) to prevent X11 from launching each time  
>>> you
>>> start a KDE app.
>>> Then, the mac_initialize_dbus function looks in the environment for
>>> DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS. If this does not exists, it looks for
>>> DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET in the current environment and if  
>>> this
>>> fails too it looks in the environment of launchd (via launchctl's
>>> gentenv). I don't know where the dbus-daemon should actually be
>>> started (perhaps Benjamin could help here, he has written this  
>>> code).
>>> However, you can start it manually and let it set the needed env- 
>>> vars
>>> for you.
>>> Try in the terminal:
>>> $ eval `dbus-launch --auto-syntax`
>>> $ /Applications/KDE4/dolphin.app/Contents/MacOS/dolphin

I've got an update on this. I've written a little shell script which  
tests if DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET is set in launchd. If it's  
not the case, the session bus is started via dbus-launch. Then the  
socket path is extracted and stored in launchd. This way, every KDE-4  
app will find the bus. To use it simply execute this script from your  
~/.profile or launch it once per session manually before starting a  
KDE-4 app.

In my eyes this is however a hack. I think it would be best to change  
kdelibs to store DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS directly in launchd after  
starting dbus. I see if I can come up with a patch.

The next step would be to extend dbus itself to store the bus address  
in launchd on Mac OS X instead of using X11 for that. This way non-kde- 
apps could also benefit from it, no special treatment in kdelibs would  
be required and autolaunch could work on a Mac too without X11...
Anyone volunteers? ;-)

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>> I did find something to this effect after googling a bit.  It kind of
>> helped with some apps (kwrite and opening a file), but dolphin was  
>> still
>> broken, now with a different error message.  Anyway, I've given up  
>> for
>> now.  KDE3 started working for me again and is just fine for me at  
>> the
>> moment.
>> Jonathan
> What was the error? Maybe someone here knows the solution and it'll be
> useful for others. Or you, when you come back :-)
> -- 
> George Carlin  - "Weather forecast for tonight: dark."
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