[KDE/Mac] kde4 on Tiger using macports

Jonas Bähr jonas.baehr at web.de
Fri Dec 26 18:24:20 CET 2008


Am 23.12.2008 um 17:58 schrieb Jonathan Stickel:

> I have (finally) built and installed kdebase4 using mapcorts on Tiger
> (10.4.11).  However, nothing runs correctly (if at all).  kwrite is  
> very
> slow and ugly.  More importantly to me, dolphin will not start at all.
> I try to start it two ways, and I get
> $ open -a dolphin
> 2008-12-23 09:39:58.684 open[24306] Couldn't launch application:   
> (null)
> $ /Applications/KDE4/dolphin.app/Contents/MacOS/dolphin
> (...prompt returns with no message, and then...)
> <unknown program name>(14342)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the
> D-Bus session server
> Not much for me to go with here.  I do have dbus-daemon running.   
> Any ideas?

I'm also fighting with dbus problems... I did not have simipar  
problems with kdelibs-4.0.0

First, try to build dbus with the "no_x11" variant. (does anyone know  
*why* x11 is the default?) to prevent X11 from launching each time you  
start a KDE app.

Then, the mac_initialize_dbus function looks in the environment for  
DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS. If this does not exists, it looks for  
DBUS_LAUNCHD_SESSION_BUS_SOCKET in the current environment and if this  
fails too it looks in the environment of launchd (via launchctl's  
gentenv). I don't know where the dbus-daemon should actually be  
started (perhaps Benjamin could help here, he has written this code).
However, you can start it manually and let it set the needed env-vars  
for you.
Try in the terminal:
$ eval `dbus-launch --auto-syntax`
$ /Applications/KDE4/dolphin.app/Contents/MacOS/dolphin


> Thanks,
> Jonathan
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