[KDE/Mac] CPack Packaging for Windows/Mac (and possibly Linux)

Mike Arthur mike at mikearthur.co.uk
Sun Aug 24 22:38:05 CEST 2008

On Sunday 24 August 2008 21:23:48 Benjamin Reed wrote:
> As the guy who currently hasn't had time to do a new build for KDE/Mac
> for *ahem* months, I'd love to make it easier for people to more
> repeatably create packages.  I think this would be great!
Great, glad to have someone who agrees!

When I build Mendeley I just type "make package" on a Mac machine and it will 
build the full package automatically and just gives me a .dmg file.

I hope to get it so you can do "make package_kmail" or "make package_kdebase" 
and get a standalone package with all the necessary dependencies included.

Mike Arthur

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