How to get KDE virtual keyboard on Debian

Duncan 1i5t5.duncan at
Fri Mar 31 06:46:47 BST 2023

Yvan Masson posted on Tue, 28 Mar 2023 20:53:26 +0200 as excerpted:

> So I have asked on and Nate Graham gave me an answer.
> Disclaimer: you were right :-).

I just spent several hours reading most of the %6 milestone tagged issue 
threads and a few of the MR threads found in a second-level link from the 
above.  Mixed blessing as sooo interesting and I'm /definitely rather more 
informed now[1]... but also waaayy more time than I really had to spend on 
something like that today. =:^\

So looks like mobile/touchscreen-only for now, stubbed in for desktop 
functionality with the MR in-progress but set to milestone plasma6.  
Basically my first of three listed "other possibilities", but now it's 
direct-from-an-implementing-dev, and much more concretely defined.

[1] Running live-git via the gentoo/kde overlay ebuild scripts for that 
purpose, but with master on kf6 and potentially very broken ATM, I'm 
sticking to the kf5/plasma5 branches now so I don't see the kf6/plasma6-
only stuff, only what's backported.  I regularly review the git commit logs 
and had seen hints of some of these from those backports where appropriate, 
but I have a /much/ better high-level view of the "why" behind some of 
those commits as well as some of the changes only going into 6, now.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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