Google Chrome - no title bar this morning

Mark Knecht markknecht at
Wed Sep 22 14:51:56 BST 2021

Starting today Google Chrome presents with no title bar. Right clicking in
the tab area shows an option "Use system title bar and borders" which is
currently checked but it doesn't do anything. This is Google Chrome
94.0.4606.54 on Kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

The system title bar and menus are showing on all other windows.

I use this to display browser video (YouTube, Netflix, etc.) on my 6
virtual desktops. Without the title bar I don't know how to pin the window
to all desktops.

I'm able to switch to Firefox for this limited need but Firefox isn't fully
syncing Chrome bookmarks which makes it a hassle.

Anyone out there seen this and have a solution?
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