KDE applications (and others) opening google-chrome instead of the default firefox

Daniel Sonck daniel at sonck.nl
Wed Sep 8 13:26:42 BST 2021

Hello all,

For quite some time I have the annoying issue where all HTTP links (from KDE 
applications like Kontakt but also non-KDE applications like IntellIJ) have 
been opening in Google Chrome. This was set to the default application at some 
point, but for quite some time, I used the System Settings to set the default 
application web browser to firefox.

I'm currently wondering what decides under a full KDE environment which 
program to open for URLs. Things I've already considered are:

- Default Applications in System Settings
- File associations

So currently I'm at a loss why something decides Google Chrome should be the 
default, which is annoying since I'm logged in and most of my history is 
inside Firefox, and not in Chrome. Besides that Chrome sometimes has glitchy 
behavior so I rather avoid using it if I can.



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