[kde-linux] Kdeconnect

David Baron d_baron at 012.net.il
Wed Jul 30 18:23:28 UTC 2014

On Wednesday 30 July 2014 15:53:18 David Baron wrote:
> How does one get this to work?

OK, succeeded with it.

Had to drop the firewall so the phone could recognize the desktop. Paired on a 
couple of tries. Firewall can then be restored, seems at least partly 
functional ... ?

Questions: Firewall setup (using Ubuntu's gufw) to enable this fully? Simply 
opening of range of ports did not do it. Would want to enable just for the 
device which the WIFI router sees as

The shhfs app was a big, troublesome pain on my phone and there are numerous 
http services to do the same thing so I disabled that option.

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