[kde-linux] Re: Alternative to Guarddog

David Jarvie djarvie at kde.org
Fri Jul 29 15:34:42 UTC 2011

On Fri, July 29, 2011 7:30 am, David Baron wrote:
> On Thursday 26 Tamuz 5771 23:27:29 David Baron wrote:
>> I have been using this for years, even under kde4 without the benefit of
>> dcop. Served me well.
>> With the 3.0 kernels, ipchains is no longer supported. Apparently
>> guarddog
>> used ipchains to run iptables or some such scheme.
>> Is there something that I can use now with a comprehensible GUI that
>> will
>> read the guarrdog iptables rules to start out? (I found fwbuilder
>> incomprehensible.)
> Actually, the problem is that guarddog's rc.firewall does not test kernels
> "above" 2.6. Some way of fixing that would solve it.

I'm sure that Guarddog uses iptables - I remember once upon a time editing
the iptables script which it produced.

David Jarvie

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