[kde-linux] Re: Password protect one folder?

yahoo-pier_andreit pier_andreit at yahoo.it
Sat Jan 22 22:22:38 UTC 2011

Il 21/01/2011 02:10, Duncan ha scritto:
> On the flip side, as another user mentioned, there's the much easier but 
> less protective method of simply setting the ownership of certain 
> directories to a different user, with permissions set so the normal user 
> can't read them.  This protects from normal runtime access without a 
> password and is reasonably trivial to setup,

not so trivial for a newby like me, I made (or only thinked to made :-))
a lot of time ago and don't remember how, I'm trying now but my best
effort is to use kde servicemenus, something like this that open a
folder as the user "segreto":

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action OpenAsSegreto]
Exec=kdesu -u segreto -n -i face-angel dolphin %U
Name=Open as Segreto

how can I have the menu voice "open as segreto" in the main popup and
not in the action submenu?

and better how can I have the kdesu window with password to insert into
for the user "segreto" opened when I click on the folder I chosen??

thanksforeverything :-)

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