[kde-linux] Re: Panel widgets alwais to the left

Alex Schuster wonko at wonkology.org
Wed Apr 13 01:56:57 UTC 2011

Duncan writes:

> FWIW I finally upgraded to 4.6.2 (from 4.6.1, which was from 4.6.0) a day 
> or so ago, and am /not/ impressed.  I still believe 4.5.5 to be the best, 
> most stable kde4 yet.  4.6... honestly seems to be going backward.

I was happy with 4.6.0. From 4.6.1 on, things became much worse.

> I immediately noticed two problems with 4.6.2.

At least those don't affect me :)

1) I experience nasty graphics distortions, mostly when scrolling in a
browser or something. This makes lines disappear, images miss parts, and
I have to refresh often, or scroll a whole page down and up again to get
the correct view.
I had this before, but it had been fixed. Without compositing it is much
better, but still happens to some extent. I really have to file a bug
about this.
May be related to my old X.org 1.7, but with newer versions I get
crashes after few minutes of KDE usage, or X does not start at all. I'm
thinking of buying a graphics card (probably nvidia) that can optionally
replace my on-board radeon hd 3200.

2) Plasma crashes all the time (around 5-25 times per day), mostly
because of a known bug related to the system tray.

3) Save file dialog sometimes hangs, and has to be killed, along with
the parent aplication. Kontact mostly.

4) No big deal, but anyway: konqueror no longer asks for confirmation
when being closed with more than one open tab.

5) There is some clipboard problem, Ctrl-V does not work in some

6) The shutdown command was broken. That's fixed already, but how can
such errors make it into a release?

> Meanwhile, it's worth observing that the whole plasma thing has been a 
> very huge problem for kde4 from the beginning.  It was the least mature 
> yet most visible component in the early kde4 series, thru 4.2 at least and 
> arguably 4.3 and 4.4 as well tho to a lessor degree, and is now again the 
> big problem with 4.6.  It's pretty and (now, tho it took awhile to get 
> there) quite powerful, few will disagree, but seems to be VERY high 
> maintenance, and its problems continue to drag kde4's reputation mud-ward. 

I like the plasma stuff, but it gives a lot of trouble, too. Like my
problem 2). I had some more problems, sometimes related to specific
plasmoids, resulting in plasma crashes, or stalls for several seconds.
Too bad there is only a single plasma process.


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