[kde-linux] Help needed: KAuth and SystemSettings.

James Tyrer jrtyrer at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 26 00:37:23 UTC 2010

On 03/25/10 12:48, Mike Edenfield wrote:
> On 3/25/2010 2:39 PM, James Tyrer wrote:
>> If you are running KDE-4.4.x, can you set the Date and Time Zone using
>> "System Settings:: General ->  Date&  Time"?  If so, what binary did you
>> install?  Can you do this as user by doing an authentication with the
>> root password or otherwise?
>> So, now I should be able to do everything as any user.  Well I can NOT,
>> so I need help to determine if this is a bug.  I can set the Date, but
>> when I try to set the Time Zone, the "Apply" button is not enabled. This
>> looks like a bug since if I change the Date too, I can change the Time Zone.
> I am using Gentoo's latest ~amd64 ebuilds, which are 4.4.1 (fetched
> 3/2/10), and I'm seeing behavior similar to this using the default
> policy files from the systemsettings package.  I cannot set the date and
> time as a regular user , and I get an error ("Unable to
> authenticate/execute the action") instead of a prompt to authenticate as
> root.
Nice to know that I have an actual problem.

> I don't have an entry in System Settings for PolicyKit, although polkit,
> polkit-kde, and polkit-qt are all installed.  I also have 0.95.1, though
> I guess I could build the trunk versions and try again:
> [I] sys-auth/polkit (0.96-r1 at 3/24/10)
> [I] sys-auth/polkit-kde (0.95.1 at 2/16/10)
> [I] sys-auth/polkit-qt (0.95.1 at 2/16/10)
IIUC, you have installed: polkit-kde-1-0.95.1.  So, we have the choice 
of trying to figure out why it doesn't work with PolicyKit or PolKit. 
Since you have the newer one we should forget about the old one although 
you still need it installed for other things.

This obscure file is available here:



for others trying to build from source.

Does Gentoo apply a patch to it.  I attach my patch for those LFSers.  I 
find that there are errors and it does not install correctly.  The major 
issue is where the file:


is installed.  It needs to be in a system autostart directory.  IIUC, 
either of these:


will work.  So, I would check for that first.  You might also want to 
open the 'desktop' file to see that the "Exec" points to the correct 
location of:


James Tyrer

Linux (mostly) From Scratch
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