[kde-linux] Dolphin opening a text file as root with Kwrite.

Robin Atwood robin at binro.org
Thu Feb 18 13:47:06 UTC 2010

On Thursday 18 February 2010, Dale wrote:

> I have Dolphin, the replacement for Konqueror, set up to run as root.
> When I go to the "K menu" and select Dolphin, it asks for the root
> password and I enter it in.  Dolphin opens fine, no problems.  The
> problem starts when I go somewhere that requires root privileges.  If
> I try to enter the /root directory, I get this error at the bottom of
> Dolphin:
> "Can not start process.  Can not talk to Klauncher.  The name
> org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any service files."
> If I go to a text file, say /etc/fstab which requires root privileges,
> and try to open that file with Kwrite, I get this error in a little
> pop up window:
> "KLauncher could not be reached via D-Bus. Error when calling
> start_service_by_desktop_path:
> The name org.kde.klauncher was not provided by any .service files."

Dale -
I have seen this many times. My technique to fix it is:

1. At a konsole su to root and then start up mc or whatever.
2. In the /root directory cd to .kde4 and delete all the pointers to 
   temporary directories. eg, cache-*, socket-* and tmp-*.
3. cd back to root and delete all the .xauth* files.
4. cd to /tmp and delete all *-root files/directories.
5. cd to /var/tmp and do the same as 4.
6. From krunner issue kdesu dolphin and hopefully you will be in business.

I don't how much of the above is necessary but it works for me!

Robin Atwood.

"Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst,
 Where there ain't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst"
         from "Mandalay" by Rudyard Kipling

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