[kde-linux] KDE about-dialog?

Christopher Roy Bratusek zanghar at freenet.de
Sat Aug 21 16:05:33 UTC 2010

Am Sat, 21 Aug 2010 14:51:10 +0000 (UTC)
schrieb Duncan <1i5t5.duncan at cox.net>:

> Kevin Krammer posted on Sat, 21 Aug 2010 13:34:04 +0200 as excerpted:
> > The weird thing is that I am quite positive that kdialog at least had
> > such an option at some point, but it doesn't seem to have it now :(
> > 
> > The best thing I can come up with is using kdialog --msgbox and the
> > output of any KDE program's --version and/or --author, e.g.
> > 
> > kdialog --msgbox "$(plasma-desktop --version)"
> > 
> > If someone feels up to a "junior job",  adding an about dialog to
> > kdialog's capabilities should be quite easy.
> Yeah, I took a look at kdialog too, and thought about using a msgbox with 
> the version output of <pick a KDE app>.  But I decided that wasn't close 
> enough to what he wanted to mention.  Good to see that I wasn't the only 
> one thinking of it, tho. =:^)
> One would think that kdialog would have the ability to output an "about 
> kde" dialog just like most of the rest of kde apps, but it doesn't seem to 
> at this point.  And a "junior job" seems about right.  Given the way it's 
> standardized, that dialog has to be a reasonably simple kdelibs call 
> away...
> But all the programming I do on Linux is bash scripting... =:^( tho I have 
> made use of kdialog myself a few times. =:^)

Hmm, I see. Perhaps I should also say, why I need it, well I was working on a XFCE
integration-module for Sawfish, while I also polished the GNOME and KDE ones, then I
noticed, that the KDE integration-module does not add an "About KDE" menu-entry to the
Sawfish root-menu. So I wanted to have that too, of course.

One thing I might try is to use librep's FFI-binding to open the library containing the
dialog (I guess it's libkdecore.so.5 (or libkdeui.so.5?)) and call the function via FFI.

To try that, I would need to know the function to call, of course :)


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