[kde-linux] Have lost the launch button on KDE4

Bruce MacArthur bmacasuru at fastmail.us
Mon Sep 7 17:30:03 UTC 2009

On Monday 07 September 2009 07:52:09 am Duncan wrote:
> Anne Wilson posted on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 09:26:42 +0100 as excerpted:
> > On Monday 07 September 2009 09:12:02 Bruce MacArthur wrote:
> >>
> >> I have followed this thread with some curiosity and interest.  When 
> >> added the Lancelot item to the task-bar area, it placed both itself 
> >> the Cashew plasmoid at the extreme right-hand end of the task-bar
> >> (without affecting the larger upper-right-corner Cashew).  I would
> >> prefer that Lancelot (in particular) go over to the left-hand end, 
> >> it seems to resist drag-and-drop.  Can this also be done?  If so, 
> >> is the secret to doing it?  And THANK YOU for all of your kind
> >> assistance!!!
> >>
> > To move things on the panel, click the cashew at the extreme right 
> > it. That opens up the panel configuration panel.  Now when you hover
> > over anything on the panel you get a diamond-shaped icon.  Use that 
> > to drag lancelot to where you want it, then use the re-circled-X to
> > close the configuration panel.
> ... And as far as the cashew, having one on a panel indicates that 
> widgets are /not/ locked.  You can move stuff around, delete, add, etc.  
> Lock Widgets (all plasma uses the same lock so it doesn't matter 
> you lock it on a panel, or the desktop, or using a cashew somewhere, 
> locks all panels and the desktop together), and the panel cashew 
> disappear.  Unlock them again using an activity/desktop cashew or by 
> right-clicking on a plasma element (desktop, panel, etc).
> Finally, if your panel plasmoids won't go or stay where you want, try 
> adding a spacer, using the button found on the panel resizer widget 
> 4.3+, 4.2 needed the spacer plasmoid from kde-look).  The spacers are 
> limited power in the presence of "greedy" plasmoids, but can often get 
> plasmoid to stay where you want it on a panel, if you have "extra" 
> on that panel.
> -- 
> Duncan

THANK YOU, both Anne and Duncan!  I tried what Anne suggested, and it 
worked perfectly.  Duncan, as very often, provides extremely useful 
information about why things work as they do.  I am very grateful to 
both of you for your timely and informed assistance.

Bruce   Mac Arthur

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