[kde-linux] Locking widgets doesn't work correctly

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Tue Sep 1 19:00:59 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 01 September 2009 19:34:48 Duncan wrote:
> The root problem is that the space available inside panels is too plastic
> -- there's no way to absolutely place the various applets.  Some of them
> are simply space hogs. taking up WAY more space than they should given
> the size of the panel, making them look WAY bigger than other plasmoids,
> or simply insisting on a whole bunch of unused blank space between them
> and the next plasmoid.

OK, so now I understand a bit better.  I wonder if there's more than one issue 
here, though.  This 'jumping about' - Connie, could it be that you are seeing 
the result of a sort order?  By default the application icons on the taskbar 
are sorted alphabetically.  I didn't like this, and found a way to change it.  
Unfortunately, at this moment I can't remember how it was done.  I'll look 
into that tomorrow and report back.

I haven't tried controlling things by using spacers.  I did find that I'm 
happier with the panel set to show two rows for open applications.  Don't know 
whether that will help Connie or not.

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