[kde-linux] Another KDE 4.x print problem?

Dale rdalek1967 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 23:25:54 UTC 2009

Esben Mose Hansen wrote:
> On Monday 02 November 2009 20:41:04 Dale wrote:
>> I do remember the akondia server, or something like that, not starting
>> when I log in.  I googled and it seems everybody has that problem.  That
>> is one.  From what I read it is being worked on.  That's the first
>> problem I see when I log into KDE 4.
> And that worked in KDE 3.5? Though it is running fine here, just not doing 
> anything as far as I know. 
> If that is the kind of big issues you have, I think KDE4 is in great shape.

It wasn't in KDE 3.5.  Are you using KDE?  For me, having a error first
thing when I log in, IS A ISSUE. 

That is NOT the only issue I am having either.  I just didn't take notes
and can't log into KDE 4 right now to make notes.  I run up on things
and then Google them to see if I am alone or if it is a known issue
already.  If it is just me, I ask for help.  If it is a known issue, I
wait for it to be fixed since they work on known issues.


:-)  :-)

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