[kde-linux] ksnapshot saved file size

Dale rdalek1967 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 04:37:57 UTC 2009

Felix Miata wrote:
> On http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde&m=120319601431836&w=2 I asked this before, but
> never got a useful answer. Is it true that there is no ability to configure
> KSnapshot to make smaller files, e.g. 6- or 8-bit png instead of 16- or
> 24-bit or whatever it now does?

I think it just takes a pixel for pixel shot.  If you have a small
resolution screen then it will be a smaller picture.  If you have a HUGE
1600x1200 or larger, it takes a bigger picture.  I couldn't find any way
to configure it on mine either. 

I guess you could always open the one it took with Gimp and scale it
down.  That is what I have done in the past.


:-)  :-) 

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