[kde-linux] okular weirdness

paul s kde-linux.mail.kde.org at queuemail.com
Tue Aug 25 19:55:15 UTC 2009

for a couple of months now i have lived with some weirdness in okular...
i have removed:


uninstalled and re-installed most components and dependencies, created
fresh accounts, yet to no avail am unable to solve this issue...

on this computer my pdf's look as so...


and on two other identically configured computers the same pdf looks

all are running
Linux #1 SMP Sat Aug 15 01:06:26 EDT 2009
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

and libraries from these repos...

repo id                   repo name                       status
fedora                    Fedora 11 - x86_64              enabled:
fusion                    Compiz Fusion repository        enabled:
google                    Google - i386                   enabled:
google64                  Google - x86_64                 enabled:
kde                       kde                             enabled:
kde-testing               kde-testing                     enabled:
rpmfusion-free            RPM Fusion for Fedora 11 - Free enabled:
rpmfusion-free-updates    RPM Fusion for Fedora 11 - Free enabled:
rpmfusion-nonfree         RPM Fusion for Fedora 11 - Nonf enabled:
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates RPM Fusion for Fedora 11 - Nonf enabled:
skype                     Skype Repository                enabled:
updates                   Fedora 11 - x86_64 - Updates    enabled:

i am not running selinux and the only thing i can think of is the video

C0: radeon driver(snapshot)
C1: nv driver
C2: radeon driver

any thoughts or alternate ways of thinking would be appreciated.


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