[kde-linux] version of KMail

scott toothpik at swbell.net
Wed Aug 5 03:26:34 UTC 2009

On Tuesday 04 August 2009 21:22:55 Bruce MacArthur wrote:
> I am running openSuSE 10.2, kde 3.5.5, and kmail 1.9.5.  When
> I single-left-click on the "Help" item on my kmail menu-bar,
> the final entry in the drop-down menu is "About KDE".  The
> item in the drop-down menu which is immediately above that is
> "About KMail".  When that is selected, I see that I have --
> KMail 1.9.5 (Using KDE 3.5.5 "release 45" openSUSE 10.2)
> Perhaps more recent versions of openSUSE work somewhat
> differently!

i have opensuse 11.1, kde4.2.4, release 2, and my help menu 
works just like yours:  the last item tells of kde, and the next 
to last tells that kmail is version 1.11.4

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