[kde-linux] k3b verify problem

david gnome at hawaii.rr.com
Thu Jul 31 10:44:12 UTC 2008

david wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
>> Is there a problem with k3b in 2008.1?  I've just installed Mandriva on my 
>> daughter's laptop and confidently told her to burn with k3b.  She burned one, 
>> the disc ejected, but didn't retract and the verify stuck there.  The second 
>> time she caught it as it ejected and pushed it in immediately it released.  
>> It didn't verify.  I changed the setting so that it wouldn't eject, but the 
>> third burn didn't verify either.
>> That is, not that they gave a 'bad burn' but that it didn't even start to 
>> verify.
>> Anyone know why or what I can do?  It's most embarrassing.  I told her that it 
>> was so simple and reliable, but I'll not convince her if she can't verify her 
>> backups.
> Hmmm, IMHO, an old and longstanding bug in K3B and/or HALD and/or some 
> other component of KDE that (IIRC) you yourself once mentioned only 
> rarely afflicts users and then only users of certain hardware ... 
> anyway, me being one of the lucky victims of this bug (I was the one who 
> noticed that on my system K3B was burning track0 but then trying to 
> verify track1), the solution is to set K3B to NOT eject the disc after 
> burning. Then it goes ahead and verifies just fine. After the 
> verification is complete, you can eject the disc via K3B's menus/icons.

And, of course, after sending that, I read that Anne has already tried 
that (don't eject disc setting) with no success ... but I still think 
it's a bug in K3B! Anyone tried burning/verifying a disc with GNOME's 
burning software (whatever it is) to see if the same problem occurs there?

gnome at hawaii.rr.com
authenticity, honesty, community

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