[kde-linux] Some composite effects of KWIN4 not working?

Andreas Demmer mail at andreas-demmer.de
Fri Jul 4 13:21:36 UTC 2008

Anne Wilson schrieb am Friday 04 July 2008 um 08:08:38 Uhr:

> Have you filed bug reports?  Check, of course, that there isn't an existing
> one, and add your details to it if you find one..  Bug reports are the
> dev's main conduit for trying to sort out problems.

I filed the bug reports and I am now in contact with the developers. My other 
thread (bugs desktop matrix) was already a known bug and a temporary 
workaround is existing: Disable the option which keeps offscreen images up to 


Skype:   andreas.demmer
ICQ:     103 924 771

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