[kde-linux] conversion to su

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at freesurf.ch
Wed Jan 2 08:45:52 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 01 January 2008 18:29, Dan Stroock wrote:
> Jim:  Yes, that's exactly what I want.  However, when I tried your
> suggestion, I got the same error message saying "Conversation with su
> failed."  Something must be set incorrectly, but I don't know what.

Hi Dan,

Do you have many users?
When I loged in as the unpriviledged user I was able to su from a shell into 
my super-user identity (su superUserName). But from there I couldn't kdesu  
or do important changes. 
No matter which way I tried either the password was wrong or the server 
refused the connection or I got a message similat to yours. 
I didn't check if there was a special syntax for kdesu to cover this case 
(perhaps you should) , instead I simply started a new session as the 
priviledged user.

HTH		Perry

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