[kde-linux] knetworkmanager won't compile...needs DBus-Qt headers

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Thu Jun 14 09:46:55 UTC 2007

On Thursday 14 June 2007, Travis M. wrote:
> I am using Linux from Scratch with DBus 1.0.2 with the DBus-Qt
> bindings installed. And, my DBus and DBus-Qt headers are split up like
> this, so the "configure" script can't find my DBus-Qt headers, Ubuntu
> 7.04 has a "dbus/connection.h" wrapper header to fix this. My dbus
> header dirs are split up like this (from the "tree" command):
> travis at mcp-hexaflake:/tmp/tree-$ ./tree /usr/include/dbus-1.0/
> /usr/include/dbus-1.0/
> |-- dbus
> |


> `-- qt3
>     `-- dbus
>         |-- qdbusconnection.h
>         |-- qdbusdata.h
>         |-- qdbusdatalist.h
>         |-- qdbusdatamap.h
>         |-- qdbuserror.h
>         |-- qdbusmacros.h
>         |-- qdbusmessage.h
>         |-- qdbusobject.h
>         |-- qdbusobjectpath.h
>         |-- qdbusproxy.h
>         `-- qdbusvariant.h

This are the current Qt3 bindings. KNetworkManager and some other programs use 
just one class (for Qt3 event loop integration) of a binding set which has 
been removed from D-Bus CVS years ago and is thus unmaintained.

However distributions usually still ship the old bindings since old programs 
depend on it. For example on Debian the development package is called 

Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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