[kde-linux] sudo kjobviewer ?

Alain M. alainm at pobox.com
Wed Jan 17 16:15:39 UTC 2007

Robin Atwood escreveu:
> On Wednesday 17 January 2007 09:23, Alain M. wrote:
>> How do I run kjobviewer as root without entering a password?
>> It should be possible using sudo, but it isn't, or al least not as
>>    sudo kjobviewer --all
> You will need to update /etc/sudoers, see the man page for details.

I believe it is not a sudo configuration problem because I have this in 

IIRC it can have something to do with some new behaviour (should be 
safer) of sudo in recent versions. And an interesting detail: kjobviewer 
is running as root!

I have Mandriva 2007, kernel 2.6.17-5mdv, sudo 1.6.8p12-4mdv

thanks, again,

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