[kde-linux] Konqueror web shortcuts

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Sun Sep 17 19:35:34 UTC 2006

On Sunday 17 September 2006 20:22, Richard wrote:
> Is there a way to print out all the web shortcuts, with there shortcut
> commands (eg) gg: (google search)

Did a little research in the code :)

$ kde-config --path services

will give you a list of paths. For each patch check if there is a subdirectory 
called "searchproviders"

$ grep Keys

will then list all shortcuts defined in files there


Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
Moderator: www.mrunix.de (German), www.qtcentre.org
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