[kde-linux] kmail - msg sent with no record.

John Andersen jsa at pen.homeip.net
Wed Sep 13 08:35:30 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 13 September 2006 00:25, Dan wrote:
> Greetings,
>      I have a question regarding kmail.  I noticed "mailto:" come up in
> kmail when the system was idle.  I didn't recognize the address.  I believe
> an email was sent but there is no record in "outbox,sent-mail,drafts". Is
> there anyway to find out the contents of the email?
>      kmail 1.9.4
> Regards,
> Dan

I have never seen that unless I triggered it by clicking on a mailto link in
a web page or something.  I'd take a very close look at what is running
on your machine if I were you.

John Andersen
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