[kde-linux] What is kdetoys and how do I enable it for Kweather?

Mark Ness mark at noneinc.us
Sun Mar 26 17:44:11 UTC 2006

Larry Alkoff wrote:

>Werner Joss wrote:
>>Am Sonntag, 26. März 2006 11:07 schrieb Larry Alkoff:
>>>I seem to have a menu item for 'amor' which is a little yellow goblin
>>>that roams the screen and I _guess_ I have kweatherreport but it doesn't
>>>do much.  A box comes up but never fills with weather info.
>>you will have to select a weather-station from the list for which you then get 
>>info displayed.
>Select a weather-station from _the_ list?? What list?
>I googled and got various stations and used the command:
>/opt/kde/bin/kweatherreport katt (or other station)
>I tried 6 stations.  About half report they 'need maintenance, try 
>another station' and the rest KATT, KAUS (the 2 main ones in Austin TX) 
>just display the name of the station and sunrise/sunset but no weather 
FC# KDE-3.5.1 here. If yours is not there, try locate kweather |grep 

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