[kde-linux] how to link database MYSQL in QT Designer

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at freesurf.ch
Sat Jun 24 14:44:54 UTC 2006

On Saturday 24 June 2006 10:15, Dominique Wong wrote:
> Hello,I am tring to link mysql database in QT Desinger.


Perhaps it is better to ask this to: qt-interest at trolltech.com,
Remember to tell them what your system is and the version of Qt.
Please first have a look at the archives, IIRC there are mentions of mysql in 
them.	 http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/

I know it is possible to integrate mysql in a Qt program, but this mignt not 
be possible from Designer (just a tool to make it easier to produce the 
graphical interface)

Hope that helps		Perry

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