[kde-linux] Monitoring external sessions?

David Baron d_baron at 012.net.il
Wed Feb 15 13:35:20 UTC 2006

> > Konsole has become a first class app. I was wondering if there was anyway
> > to enter/attach/monitor an external session, i.e. a "tty" login on vt1?
> Hmm.
> You could start a GNU screen session on vt1 and attach to this with screen
> from Konsole.

checking the --help, must start a "detached" mode session, then "attach" it to 
a screen running in konsole. OK, I can try that.

The whole point is that konsole makes (or should make) screen unnecessary. 
Much easier with a GUI than all those keys and command line options. Screen 
is nifty in a console logon where there is nothing else :-)

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