[kde-linux] detail req

Werner Joss werner at hoernerfranzracing.de
Mon Aug 14 11:32:33 UTC 2006

Am Montag, 14. August 2006 12:56 schrieb amit pansuria:
>    Respected Sir,
> helo i m amit from pune city india require some detail regrading upgration.
>  right now i m using kde -2.1 and QT -3.0  on redhat 7.3as weel as 9now i
> wantt o upgrade them to kde-3.4.5 and QT -3.3.0

rh 7.3 as well as kde 2.1 are both pretty outdated - I doubt there is a clean 
upgrade-path (not completely impossible, probably, but hard work, for sure).
much easier: get a current fedora CD and do a fresh install, or, even better:
choose a more kde-friendly distro (kubuntu, e.g.) :)
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