[kde-linux] Google Calendar and Konqueror
Teresa and Dale
teendale at vista-express.com
Sun Apr 16 17:57:07 UTC 2006
Paulo J. Matos wrote:
>On 16/04/06, Teresa and Dale <teendale at vista-express.com> wrote:
>>Well, I had to set up a account and all but it appears to work fine over
>>here. What settings do you need me to check so you can set yours the
>>same? I'm using Gentoo and KDE 3.5.2.
>Which Browser identification have you chosen for google.com domain? Or
>are you using none?
> Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.5; Linux 2.6.14-gentoo-r5; X11;
> i686; en_US) KHTML/3.5.2 (like Gecko)
That is what is in there. I think it is the default except I checked
all the other boxes. Maybe we should keep in mind that Google runs
Linux?? I browse M$ sometimes and often wonder if they see a Linux guy
browsing for fixes for their crap. LOL That's why I checked the other
Does that help you any?
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