[kde-linux] customize log level for kde35

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Fri Apr 7 14:21:43 UTC 2006

On Friday 07 April 2006 12:25, Bernt Christandl wrote:
> Hello Kevin,
> thank you for your answer to my question!
> I'll try to understand what you suggest and think i'll
> enter it into "my" startkde which exactly does these things
> right now: setting KDEDIR (or KDEDIRS), QTDIR, PATH and such
> and ends with an "exec" of the original KDE-startkde.

You don't need to that in your new KDE version.

> And, yes, i've seen this /usr/bin/env "shell" (not /usr/env)
> with kde352, because we don't had that :(
> We have /usr/local/bin/env - and now a link in /usr/bin

/usr/bin/env is an executable, I am talking about /usr/env, a directory.

Somewhere at the beginning of startkde it fetches a list of directories using
kde-config --path exe

it then iterates over this list and replaces "bin" with "env", thus in a 
Debian installation you end up with at least "/usr/env"

It then checks if this directory exists, lists all files with ".sh" extension 
and sources them.

For example on my system I want KDE to store temporary files on the /var 
partition rather than on /tmp, so I set the KDETMP variable

kevin at poseidon:~$ ls -l /usr/env/01-tmpdir.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54 2005-04-12 00:32 /usr/env/01-tmpdir.sh
kevin at poseidon:~$ cat /usr/env/01-tmpdir.sh
export KDETMP=/var/tmp

#clean stale files
rm -rf $KDETMP/kde-$LOGNAME*

kevin at poseidon:~$

No need to change startkde or hack around it since KDE 3.4 IIRC


Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
Moderator: www.mrunix.de (German), www.qtcentre.org
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