[kde-linux] help with Konqueror

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at freesurf.ch
Fri Nov 25 17:50:01 UTC 2005

On Friday 25 November 2005 09:22, dejan milicic wrote:
>  I have just one question
>   Can I forbid download in Konqueror , and how to do that

I would also like to know, just out of curiosity.
Under M$, ZoneAlarm could warn you a program was about to connect and ask you 
for permission. Not sure ZA has a Linux version or if something similar 
What I used to do was configure my modem or Gateway to only connect on demand.

BTW I cannot anymore connect on demand since I changed my Gateway ( although I 
selected the option in the configuration). I am connected but 
KInternet remains stubbornly unplugged, I cannot view the data rate, never 
see a requester to connect or have a possibility to disconnect. (Technical 
support belives the device is defective)
This in not strictly a KDE issue (same problems with M$) so I didn't want 
initiate a thread about that...but well, I may as well ask :

Has any one ever been connected while KInternet was unplugged?


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