[kde-linux] Kscd mis-behaving

Christophe Gaubert christophe-gaubert at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jul 22 20:53:26 UTC 2005

kevin.kempter at dataintellect.com a écrit :
> I have installed FC4, and subsequently installed xine. I like to use xine to 
> play music CD's however as long as there is a music CD in the drive kscd 
> keeps self-starting over and over and over again. 

I'm under Mandriva and there is a GUI to control this behaviour. It's in 
menu K > system > configuration > hardware > "supports amovibles" 
(removable medias ? I'm french, I don't know what are the words used in 
the english version). From there, I can choose the scripts that are 
launched when I put an audio or a DVD. By default, the script for audio 
CD is :
It comes from the RPM dynamic. Maybe there is a similar feature in Fedora ?


Christophe Gaubert
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