[kde-linux] Netscape plugins not working in konqueror 3.3.2

John Hunt john.kde at yoredale.uklinux.net
Fri Jul 22 16:50:08 UTC 2005

On Thursday 21 Jul 2005 23:52, Kevin Krammer wrote:
> I use KMplayer as the mplayer plugin for Konqueror.
> So far it has worked on all audio and video files I came across.

Thanks Kevin, that's a good tip. I installed kmplayer and now I can play the 
plugin RealAudio streams on the BBC website.

Only slight problem is that it takes half a minute or more to start playing. 
AFAIR mplayer has a very large default buffer.  Perhaps there is somewhere 
I can reduce the buffer size, without having to recompile it? 

Only the pause button works, not the volume control or step time 
forward/back. I can live with that though.

Anne, the relevant RPMs I have installed (Mandriva 2005LE and various 
contribs) are:

$ rpm -qa|grep -iE 'codec|mplayer'|sort

- -------------------------------------------------------------------
  John Hunt, Stokesley, N Yorks, UK, http://www.yoredale.uklinux.net/

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