[kde-linux] Error printing (all kde text apps)

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Sun Jul 17 11:17:26 UTC 2005

On Sunday 17 July 2005 08:48, Thomas Taylor wrote:
> Hi All:
> Since changing from FC3 to FC4 (KDE 3.4.1-0.fc4.1 Red Hat) I've had a
> problem trying to print from KDE apps.  The problem only applies to the KDE
> apps, everything else (Firefox, Abiword, etc) prints correctly.
> Something in the printer configuration is apparently not set correctly for
> text mode printing.  The error message I get indicates, to
> me, that there is a problem converting text into printable (postscript)
> form. Maybe I'm just misinterpreting the error message?
> >>>>>>>>>>>> error message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
> The MIME type application/postscript is not supported as input of the
> filter chain (this may happen with non-CUPS spoolers when performing page
> selection on a non-PostScript file). Do you want KDE to convert the file to
> a supported format?
> >>>>>>>>>>>> error message ends <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Maybe it is a problem with the FC4 package, e.g. missing a file or didn't 
update one of an older package.

I think there is a kdeprint mailing list, maybe someone there can help you 
finding more information about the problem's origin.

Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
Moderator: www.mrunix.de (German), www.qtforum.org
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