[kde-linux] Application applet in Kpanel system tray -- How much of a load? -- follow-up

Benjamin Sher sher07 at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 8 17:38:39 UTC 2005

> If you mean program launcher button, it is the like a menu entry or desktop 
> short cut.
> If you mean you actually launch the applications and they put themselves into 
> the system tray, it means that the application is loaded and running, but 
> could be swapped out if is is't used.

Dear Kevin:

Thanks for the explanation. I was talking about the first option, the 
program launcher button (added to the KDE panel by clicking on it 
and adding under "Add application"). I've added them as panel 
"shortcuts" instead of desktop shortcuts in order to allow my 
desktop background image to be fully visible.

Thank you.


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