Gcompris Hindi translations.

G Karunakar indlinux at gmail.com
Fri Sep 18 11:33:44 BST 2020

 posting on both lists, as I think some past Gcompris translators
might be on one.

Gcompris is planning a 1.0 release by 17th November 2020. Last date to
commit translations is 15th November.

Current status is below
I believe stable & trunk are the same in this case, but mainly work on
trunk and the merge them into stable branch.

Main app file is - gcompris_qt.po  , needs a cleanup of fuzzy - mostly
past translations which need verification or minor change, and an
equal number of untranslated. Some translations need to be simplified
as it is kids who are the audience.

gcompris_voices.pot - These mostly are the voice prompts. Some
translations may already be shown via Translation memory but what I
observed is translation needs to be simpler, any complex vocabulary
will not be understood by kids.

gcompris_lang.po - mostly single word terms, easy to do.

Anyone interested please post on the list.
Also other languages would also need work if anyone is interested.


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